Sunday, August 20, 2006

Allergy season is here!

In the area I live in the pollen count is very high. Just about everyone I know is suffering in some way. My son has asthma and his condition has gotten worse over the last few weeks. There are two things I has slacked off on doing to help him with his breathing. One is I usually always have a humidifier running in his room all the time. We live in a very dry area so using a humidifer is very helpful. The other thing is that I usually have a air purifer running all the time in his room. I did start these two things again since he has been having a difficult thime breathing. Choosing a good air purifier is very important. There are many to choose from out there. I have been using an ionic purifer and we really like it. At you can find the Ionic Pro. It might be just the thing your family needs.

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