Monday, September 11, 2006


The internet has changed a lot since I first was introduced to it about 10 years ago. There are so many interesting things you can do on the internet these days. If you are looking for entertainment on the net there are plenty of things to choose from. You can chat with your friends on Myspace, watch movies, download music, download games and ringtones for your phone, listen to podcasts, listen to radio broadcasts, order diapers, develop your digital photos and a whole lot more. I can't wait for the day when the internet can wash my dishes and do my laundry. I guess it could if I hired a maid online.
Here's one interesting thing you can do online now, play dress up. Well sort of. You can dress up your very own avatar. Avatars are characters you can use while chatting on message boards, chat rooms, blogs, etc. You can make then look like you or nothing like you. At you can play a dress up game. Choose from a list of types of avatars you want to create and then build your own. If choose the mermaid button on the dress up games page you could make a avatar like the one below.

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