Thursday, September 07, 2006

Coccyx Pain

There was once a man named Ron who loved to ride his Bull, Rocket
One day when they were bucking and broncing Ron fell and broke his Coccyx

Ron screamed and hollered for the pain was real bad
Rocket looked at his master with a face that was sad

The ambulance took Ron to the hospital
there he met the trusted Doc Riddle

Doc Riddle explained to Ron the result of his fall
the Ex-rays showed the he had broken 6 bones in all

Ron broke his two fingers and two toes
he also broke his tail bone and even his nose

Ron did not know if his life would ever be the same
sitting is not easy when you have coccyx pain

As Ron gave Doc Riddle a pathetic looking stare
He mentioned the hope of a Coccyx Posture Chair

Ron knew that his broncing days would have to wait a few months at best
for his fingers, toes, coccyx and nose would need a bit of rest.


Wow two poems in one year, I am getting good at this. Check out they have some great info on this subject.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing your experience in tailbone pain , it gives me more careful in my daily activity,Thanks!
