Friday, September 01, 2006

To PayPerPost Advertisers

There are a few pieces of information I would like to give PayPerPost advertisers. I was having a conversation with another PayPerPost blogger and we both agreed on these things. If you are going to put up a $2.50 offer then it is advised to not require more that 50 words. When searching for offers the first thing I look for is what type of offer it is and if I could review it on my blog, then I look to see the highest pay for those offers. If there are slim pickins then I go to the lower priced offers but rarely accept any that are $2.50 with more than 100 words. My time is limited and taking offers of 200-300 words on a product or service that I was just introduced to, I will probably just pass on those offers. So if you are going to offer a lower priced offer then I think it should be no more than 50 words. Offers that are $2.50 on are really not worth the time if you have to right 100 -200 words.

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