Wednesday, November 08, 2006

AB Lounge 2

I have never had a problem with my weight. I guess I am one of those naturally thin people that people loves to hate. I don't exercise but I also don't eat a lot. My grandmother is also naturally thin so I think I got it from here. My body could change over the years, though I have given birth to three children. I guess time will tell.
For some reason people think because I am thin I must be healthy. I am not sure I am what you would call a healthy person. I don't exercise. I hardly ride my horse anymore. I don't eat health food either.
I have often thought about getting a home exercise product. Many of them are now portable like the ab lounge 2. This ab lounge is to work your abs. It kind of looks like a picnic chair. I like that it is portable though. It's kind of costly for what it is but I suppose if you really use it you could see results.
The thing about most exercises equipment is if you use the product it will usually works. If you set it in your closet to collect dust then there is no way it will do anything for your body. I have a feeling the ab lounge would be sitting in my closet collecting dust. It could work for someone.
I still need to start exercising.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, my name is Richard. I came across your site and I actually have one in a related area about Ab Loungers (
    I think it would be beneficial for us to do a blogroll link exchange, if you're interested If so, please let me know what anchor text you'd like me to use,
    and I can put your link up right away.

    You can contact me at
