Monday, August 21, 2006

Veggie Tales

Most of you parents have probably already hear of Veggie Tales but if you haven't let me tell you a little about it. Veggie Tales videos/dvds are bible stories put at a childs level. The characters in the videos are vegatables and it's really cute. Not exactly sure while the company chose vegetables as characters but it does work. Veggie Tales videos are filled with bright primary colors which for some reason small children really like.
I used to babysit a 3 month old that was a very crabby baby. Nothing could soothe him until we his mom showed him a veggie tale. At three months old this little baby would be in the middle of screaming and stop instantly when I would put a Veggie Tale show in the VCR. It was the funniest thing. I was so thankful for those videos. I have heard other stories where kids just loved these videos at early ages.
The other great thing about these videos is that the one liners and jokes can make parents laugh as well as the kids.
My baby girl didn't take to veggie tales like I thought she would but she did love her Baby Einstein. I have already reviewed Baby Einstein on another post.

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