Saturday, September 16, 2006

Tech Crunch

techcrunch, originally uploaded by moniepie73.

The issue of whether bloggers should be getting paid to post baffles me somewhat. I don't really understand what all the controversy is all about. It seems that the blogger elitists are choosing what is ethical blogging and what is not. All the while affiliate marketing on blogs have been going on for years now. Tell me exactly what the difference is between affiliate marketing and paid post advertising. Most of these elitists claim that "how will we know who is posting an ad and who is not?" Yet you will probably see that most of the bloggers complaining will have affiliate ads in their posts. Are they forewarning their readers that "this is a affiliate ad". Probably not.

I suppose everyone has a right to their own opinion but I think that bashing is not the way to go. By the way, the definition of the word bashing is "hostile comment directed at a particular individual or group". My comments are not hostile so don't start calling me a basher.

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