Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Inkjet Printers

I have an Epson Stylus C60 printer which I think might have been a really popular model a few years ago. I got it really cheap. I think it was one of those purchase where I had to decide if I should buy new ink or a new printer. They cost almost the same. Well maybe not almost the same but it was more worth it to buy a new printer than the expensive ink in my old printer.
I like this printer, it prints real nice. The only real complaint I have it that is goes through ink really quickly. I am using the generic, cheap ink from an online store now. But even when I was using the brand name ink it still seem to go through it very quickly. I started to wonder if they are just making printers differently than they used to or if it has to do with this model. My old HP printer seemed to print high-color prints for ever with out need replacement. Epson inkjet printers seem to last a long time. I don't think I will need to buy a new printer for a while.

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